Please tell me this is a launch icon only
Thank you for the new icon!
This icon was updated with a newer version. Same car with different wheels, headlights on, and darker blue sky with no trees. Looks much better.
This game had a major update and is now called AeternoBlade II: Director's Rewind. Icon is new as well with a large face of Freyja in front of a moon with blue and purple background. Looks really nice.
The original AeternoBlade II still exists but only as a demo. If you purchase the full game, you get the director's rewind edition.
This game has a new icon but I wasn't able to find it online. It looks similar but has a couple of larger ships in front of the space station instead of the smaller ones.
Yes thank you for the new icon update!
The switch version has a different icon with a big robot on it
This game has a new icon to match the box art of physical version. All pins are standing up with an icon of each game type on the pins. Logo is the same.
Original got pulled from eshop in January, so this is probably a stripped down (no pun) version without the risky parts of the original.
Finally here late October! Nice icon
Unfortunately this game has a new icon after the last update. It's only the main character holding a sword and shield with no title text.
Just in time for Valentine's Day
yikes they forgot the graphics
Don't like the colors and logo of this one
did this ever get changed to a real icon?
bad title text
Anyone notice after the last major update all the background sounds are broken?
Was about to buy for $5 but not with this icon
Unfortunately this game has a new icon after the last update. It's basically the same graphics but with no title text :(
Pic link broken
Is there an icon for figment 2?
Any better quality icon yet? :)
Yes! Love it
What the heck happened?
Is this the 2023 edition icon?
Background sounds now fixed with a new patch!
Nice icon
Bad title text!
My icon looks a bit different. Same text but the background has a very dark bluish circle behind it with some swirly designs and diamond hash marks around that. It's not a plain black background.
Maybe this was the launch icon...
Actual icon is similar but has a dark reddish color background instead of pure black
You're right! Turned up the brightness and it showed up lol
talk about disappointment
Seriously? Crossed off my list now
Lol last minute icon save
needs updating on the "changes" page
messed up title text!
I wonder if the icon will change after the 8GB day one update
really nice one of lego best
Kids game but still was pretty funny
Lol icon of actual gameplay?
Shut down on Jan 2023 :(
Is this Xenoblade 1?
All they had to do was crop the box art and use that
ouch what the heck
Thankfully the actual icon is good quality. Still has additional 3GB download just for the main game, another 12GB if you use the download code for extra content.
wow really nice!
slot machine? lol
Icon of the year material here wow. Let's vote this to top 15 before the year is over!
not bad, square seems to love white backgrouds
Horror pinball!
Holy cow!
definitive version due in june, looks great
Is there a way to get the USA icon? I just bought the physical M rated version and the icon is totally different. Has a girl wearing red against a blue background and no title text.
looks cute!
Just found out there is a physical version from limited run games
Is there any way to get the icon for the second game that you get with a download code? It's similar except the lady is facing the opposite direction, has some blue hair, and it says "before the storm" as part of the title. It's a full 12.5GB separate game download with its own icon.
yes thanks again for all the new icons!
Just found a super HD version of this icon on a foreign eshop
This is top 15? lol
Name messup
Very nice icon
Hollow Knight Silksong
This looks good for a sonic icon
Looks good. Not sure why other sonic titles don't match
Also I remember the launch icon looked terrible
This game has a new icon after last update!
Nice one!
Very Nice
Not bad, and much better than 3
There is also a separate icon for the digital artbook and music DLC if possible to get? Not sure why they didn't just add to main game.
And if anyone is wondering, the main game has a pretty large 3.3GB update (DLC only 363MB)
So DOA3 Scarlet is banned from the states completely but this girls in bikinis volleyball is fine? Even more ironic, the game has an E rating!
Please vote out of top 15! Terrible
Great graphics
oh boy need to look this one up
Not bad at all
Hmm not up on the usa eshop. They did have the other 3 but not this one. But no icons of those here.
I guess there is only one other version, ecchi paradise, with a bunch of add-on dlc. Any way to get the icon for that one?
Yay thank you!
Much better than original
Unfortunately this game has a new icon that's not quite as good
Just comfirming ultimate still has the same icon after updating
Game had large update to v2.0 unfortunately icon still the same :(
Finally, and this one looks better than I thought!
nice one
very nice
Wasn't sure where else to post this, but can we get top and bottom 15 of 2023 updated? The link only goes up to 2022.
Nice one!
Lol there is no way this many bad icons made it up to the top so fast
Ubisoft usually uses box art, maybe this is the launch version?
wow really nice
Thanks for new icon!
Pretty good
Very cool I like this one
nice one
A HUGE thank you to Robin for keeping this site up and running for so long. It helped me build a great collection of games and now it will be much harder to figure out what the icons of new games will look like. Now every new game purchase will require a vast internet search to figure out what the icon is and whether it's worth buying the game. Very sad nintendo caused this to happen.
metroid 4 prime
Have a feeling prime 4 will be very similar with blue and purple