Icon stayed the same after update downloaded :(
New icon is here!! After the latest update, we have a beautiful box art style graphic with the main character in front of the castle and extra clouds all around. Finally an icon worthy of the switch version :)
Not bad at all...
This game has a new name after the latest update. Changed from "Director's Rewind" to "Infinity" to signify revanped levels and lots of bug fixes. There is also more "male" costume DLC added.
Icon is still the same as before.
Well, technically the icon did change, it just says Infinity at the bottom instead of director's rewind.
Not as good as GU icon
Is there an icon for the ultimate edition?
Much better than first one
Yes looks great, it's Bandai Namco and their icons are usually on point
New icon time! It just changed after the last update. A bit different layout and more pink/purple background around the ball.