Why the low score? You people are absolute monsters.
This was the icon the game had at release.
This was the second icon for the game, added in a post-launch update.
This was the icon when the game launched
This was the icon after the game's first update on Switch
This is the icon after the game's second update on Switch
Launch icon
Updated icon
Icon for 1.0.0
Icon for 1.0.1
Updated icon. Launch icon here.
Launch icon. Updated icon here.
Launch icon
Updated icon
Well spotted. New icon is here.
Updated icon
Launch icon
Updated icon
Icon updated for 7.0
Launch icon
Updated icon
Launch icon
Launch icon
Updated icon
Updated icon
Pre-launch icon.
JP version
US/EU version
Launch icon
Updated icon
Launch icon
Updated icon
Third icon
Second icon
Launch icon
Launch icon
New icon for Season 8
When you just take any old piece of artwork for your game and squash it down to 1:1 ratio.
Launch icon
Launch icon
Updated icon
Updated icon
Launch icon
Updated icon
Updated icon
Launch icon
Launch icon
Launch icon
Updated icon
Launch icon
Updated icon
New icon for Season 9
Updated icon
Launch icon
Updated icon
Launch icon
Launch icon
Updated icon
Launch icon
Updated icon
Launch icon
Updated icon
Western version
Japanese version
Updated icon
Western version
Updated icon
Japanese version
Western version
Updated icon
Updated icon
Just to clarify, the white line is definitely present on the logo, its not some quirk of this website.
Updated icon
Japanese icon
Western icon
Call of the Void update
So it does! Thanks for the heads up.
European version
US version
Physical has a different publisher and they have not yet submitted the patch.
Added the 2nd game!
EU and US are identical this time.
Japanese version
Western version
Updated icon
White line along the bottom, oh no
It really is that quality.
I'm done here.
Missed it. Thanks for the heads up, it's now on the site!
If you have this in better quality, please get in touch. Had to upscale from a poor image.
Really cute
This has gorgeous keyart, too. What a shame.
Western version
Japanese version
Updated icon.
Very cool
I expected a little better from Nintendo, but it's "ok"
Oh god, that expression is awful
Was hoping this one would be good, and it is!
EU/US version
So good!
US/EU version
Just gorgeous
This was scraped from the EU version, which suggests that it has two seperate launchers on the dash and is why I don't yet have the icon for the other game.
Not even any Ghoul Patrol imagery on it aside from the logo.
@869205 - Nope, take a look at this: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E1ABqjdWUAMI68J?format=jpg&name=large
Really weird decision.
@320045 - It is. Check out the full-sized image directly on Nintendo's server here.
@354458 - There is, but I've never considered a different spelling of a word to be a big enough difference to warrant two entries and a listing on the Changes page. The difference needs to be more substantial.
It's cool, they changed it back to icon 3190